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WV Childcare Economic
Impact Survey

About the survey

In collaboration with the West Virginia Association of Regional Councils, the New River Gorge Regional Development Authority is launching the West Virginia Child Care Economic Impact Survey to help provide an economic snapshot of the impacts that existing and prospective businesses see related to child care.

The availability of reliable and affordable childcare is a critical factor influencing workforce participation and economic growth. In West Virginia, businesses face unique challenges related to recruiting and retaining a stable workforce, particularly in regions where childcare options are limited. This survey, targeting both existing West Virginia businesses and prospective businesses considering a location in the state, will help us better understand how these challenges affect business operations and economic development.

About the Data

This survey aims to gather valuable data to determine how the availability of childcare impacts workforce participation, employee retention, and overall business productivity. By identifying the specific needs and concerns of businesses regarding childcare, we can work together to develop targeted solutions that support both the workforce and economic growth in West Virginia. Your input is crucial in helping to shape policies and initiatives that will foster a more supportive business environment for our state.

Where does the data go?

What Will the Data Be Used For?