Comprehensive Plans

Raleigh County Comprehensive Plan Survey

Raleigh County is updating our 2012 comprehensive plan.  The purpose of a comprehensive plan is to identify issues and concerns of residents that are negatively affecting the quality of life of those that live and work in Raleigh County. The plan will include a detailed action plan outlining specific steps that County government and other partners can take to address the identified issues and concerns.  The plan will also be the foundation for future growth and development in the County. 

As the plan revolves around issues in Raleigh County, citizen input is a vital part of the planning process.  Therefore, a survey has been created to solicit input from the general public.  The survey is designed to only take a few minutes to complete and will help local elected officials identify issues and concerns in Raleigh County.  This information is vital in helping define the future of Raleigh County and what actions the County should take in order for it to prosper.

New River Gorge Region Comprehensive Plans

The Comprehensive Plan is a crucial tool in planning for a community’s economic sustainability in West Virginia.

Wes Virginia Code Chapter 8A establishes guidelines for municipal and county-wide Comprehensive Planning. The purpose of a Comprehensive Plan “is to guide a governing body to accomplish a coordinated and compatible development of land and improvements within its territorial jurisdiction, in accordance with present and future needs and resources.”

A Comprehensive Plan remains in effect for ten years and empowers municipalities and counties to adopt land use ordinances, such as a Zoning Ordinance or Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance (SALDO). Development and growth should be consistent with the goals and vision outlined in a town, city, or county’s Comprehensive Plan.

A list of Comprehensive Plans in the New River Gorge Region are provided below.